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Text File | 2000-05-27 | 47.4 KB | 1,292 lines |
- @tocprespace 1
- @base AmiTradeCenter_E
- @pretitle AmiTradeCenter
- @author "Ingo Musquinier"
- @Main "Table Of Contents"
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- ¹¼½ AmiTradeCenter V1.2 (short ATC) / powerful FTP-Client with ADT Support ¼½¹
- Translation from german to english by ¹Ingo Musquinier¹
- @sep
- @tocinsert
- @sep
- AmiTradeCenter is (c) 2000 by Matthias Böcker - All Rights Reserved
- Note: The Design and Layout of this Guide was inpired by the PatchWork.guide
- (c) by Richard Körber.
- Note2: This Guide was automatically generated by t2g (c) 2000 by Matthias Böcker
- @n 1. "Introducing" how it all began
- One day, it was spring 1998, some people told me to write a really new,
- comfortable, small, very useful FTP-Client. The reason for this was the
- unflexible dirlistparser of AmFTP which seems to drive all of the
- ProClam-chat-demigod-candidates more or less crazy (that doesn't mean that
- development of ATC was nice for those candidates. Not to mention long-term
- effects which possibly occur or even thinking about it).
- So I took the very unpleasant challenge to write a really new, comfortable,
- small, very useful program.
- As I have had no idea of TCP/IP programing (don't have and never will
- have), development stand still (for the moment) with a dirlistparser which
- was really, honestly, at a rough guess, 10 times better than that in this
- other program. Some of my ProClam-chat-demigod-candidates mates went out
- to say that this enormous improvement could not be expressed with the
- natural range of digits as we know them from school and they have had think
- up new digits that would made every highlevel professor of math to enter
- new worlds.
- Then i, due to my incompetence, made development incredible slow (so no one
- would ever notice) to focus on really important things, as we all know how
- much one has to care nowadays to avoid things like cutting grass, cleaning
- shoes, tidy up your cellar, visit the barbershop, going to a yodel course
- and so on.
- An incredible amount of time went by and I felt very safe as well as in a
- patronizing mood (due to renovation of our local bubble gum machine) so it
- seems impossible to avoid unimportant things like mentioned above at this
- point.
- One day, as I was on the way to cut the grass, while yodelling a bit, i
- noticed like thunderstruck how unimportant it was to cut the grass while
- yodelling a bit or to do a concentration dance in reversed order and how
- important it was to put my
- roughly-guessed-10-time-better-dirlistparser-as-it-was-in-AmFTP in a (a)
- very expensive MUI-GUI and (b) an already covered in (c) entirety which
- would be no challenge for a highlevel professor of math to come up with, to
- interpret slowmotion close-ups from a reporter sitting at the beach with
- plastic bags around his shoes.
- Meanwhile, it was summer 1999 and the program which was named MyFTP at this
- point, made very good progress. I was told to change things here and there
- and to add this and that, to quickformat my drives and to add some buttons
- and finally, to get ready with the program.
- Then, in late summer, I have had hollidays (what luckily gives me some
- distance from all unimportant things) as the big question how to name the
- program, which was meanwhile named from MyFTP to Hannover, comes to my
- mind.
- About days and weeks there was only one topic in the ProClam-chat which
- was, by the time visited somewhat unregular but consistent by the
- ProClam-chat-demigod-candidates, how to name the program finally.
- Here is a list of names that were suggested by the
- ProClam-chat-demigod-candidates and myself: GelbFTP, GetOver, GetOverIt,
- GetItOver, LetItBe, OverUndAus, Roger, HangOver, L-Over, powerfulFTP,
- OverFTP, futschikato, NetOver, OverNet, BetterFTP, ÜberFTP, SpeedFTP,
- BlackFTP, DarkFTP, eclipseFTP, BuckelFTP, GamsFTP, ExtraFTP, SuperFTP,
- PrimaFTP, UltraFTP, TransferOMat, SpeedOMat, IngOMat, TPFKAH, The Program
- Formerly Known As Hannover, Feines Transfer Programm, Heftiges Transfer
- programm, warpFTP, FTPBlaster, ZickZack, haFTProbe, GetOMat, XferMe, WAW =
- Watch And Wonder, BeatIt!, Vaporizer, Pulverisierer, Fast Totale
- Pulverisierung, FireFTP, hotFTP, crimsonFTP, fastFTP, siliconFTP, GummFTP,
- FTPExtravaganza, stunningFTP, thrillingFTP, breathtakingFTP, trickyFTP,
- amazingFTP, FTPRaider, HolyFTP, FTPUndDerGanzeRest, Turbopump, PumpItUp,
- PumpOMat, PumpITOver, FTPumper, iFTP, FTPNG, bulkyFTP, NiceFTP, MuiFTP,
- AmiCuteFTP, BoingFTP, BavarianFTP, Interceptor, whodunnitFTP, SmurfFTP,
- SmartFTP, TiltFTP, FTP: Episode I, smarty, mcfly, Hannover, King^Kassel,
- BremerStadtMusikanten, CleverFTP, SmoothFTP, SlickFTP, SilkyFTP,
- astonishingServerManager, crazyClient, HappyFTP, CrazyFTP, IncredibleFTP,
- PricelessFTP, AstonishingFTP, SchlauFTP, whatsoeverFTP, nonameftp,
- TrulyFTP, TurboPump, JumboSauger, WorldTradeCenter.
- The last one of all names that was elected as the name by a
- jury of 2-3 people, was not accepted. In the mind of the
- ProClam-chat-demigod-candidates (actually only one of them)
- WorldTradeCenter would be a brilliant and original name that was flawless
- and free of spots, which emerge if you drag something very slowly through
- cocoa or similar brown material (which could also be syrupy).
- It was decided that WorldTradeCenter would not match exactly and that such
- a big name would be no name for a program with very simple history and the
- term "world" was replaced with "Ami" which made the name a little bit (but
- not really that much) more accurate.
- After the process to find the right name it was time for me to focus on
- the entirety of procedures of hygenic treatment of the face, the hair and
- the skin which left me dashed to the ground (but was not really disgusting)
- and besides the development of the really new, comfortable, small and very
- useful program.
- ¹-- To Be Continued --¹
- (sometime)
- @n 2. "Features" Program Features
- Well, here's a short list of features, which distinguish ATC more or less
- from other available FTP-Clients:
- · Preconfiguration of new server entries
- · URL Parser for standard FTP-URLs
- (ftp://anonymous:JohnDoe@UnKnown.org@ftp.uni-paderborn.de:21)
- · Filelist for each server entry where you can add files and whole
- directories which can be edited, saved and downloaded at a later date
- · The contents of the filelist can be saved at exit
- · Simple handling of filetransfers
- · Downloadbatch can be reordered and edited before and during the transfer
- · Recursive up and downloading of whole directory-trees
- · Keepalive support to prevent disconnection from the remote server due to
- inactivity
- · Adjustable cps limit for each connection to control the bandwith
- · Drag & Drop between all listviews
- · Directory history for each server
- · Directory cache during a session
- · Configurable sounds for the most common events
- · Statistics for each server
- · Full ADT-Server Support
- · Rate Aminet files
- · Aminet Charts
- · Highlighting of files in a configurable color using pattern matching (ADT)
- · Shows the expected end of the transfer of the current file and for the
- whole batch
- · Firewall-Friendly-FTP (PASV) Support
- · Tetris for long downloads
- @n 3. "Requirements" How your Amiga should look like
- · ¹min. MC68020¹
- · ¹AmigaOS 3.0¹ or better
- · ¹MUI 3.8¹
- -> Aminet:util/libs/mui38usr.lha
- · ¹NList.mcc¹
- -> Aminet:dev/mui/MCC_NList0_89.lha
- · ¹Listtree.mcc¹
- -> http://www-student.etechnik.fh-aachen.de/~kmel/download.html#listtree
- · ¹Busy.mcc¹
- -> Aminet:dev/mui/MCC_Busy2_4.lha
- · ¹BetterBalance.mcc¹ (optional)
- -> Aminet:dev/mui/MCC_BBalance.lha
- · ¹BetterString.mcc¹ (optional)
- -> http://sahl.mondo.dk/duff/MCC_BetterString.LZX
- -> http://www.diku.dk/students/duff/BetterString/index.html
- · ¹TCP/IP-Stack¹
- Miami -> http://www.nordicglobal.com/swdl.html
- AmiTCP -> comm/tcp/AmiTCP-40.lha
- Genesis -> comm/tcp/gendemo104.lha
- @n 4. "Copyright" Distribution
- AmiTradeCenter is Freeware. You are allowed to use it without payment to
- the Author or any other person on this planet (on mars the rules are
- probably different).
- If you want to spread copies of AmiTradeCenter, please note that this is
- only allowed if you keep the archive together (i.e. all files must remain
- within the archive). However, you are allowed to recompress the archive
- with any other archiver you prefer.
- Distribution via AmiNet, as well as AmiNet-CDs, Meeting Pearls and such is
- allowed but should not exceed 30,-DM (US $15,-) for CDs or 5,-DM (US $2.50)
- for floppydiscs.
- @n 5. "Installation" How to ban ATC on a Harddisk
- Doubleclick the install-icon and follow the instructions or, if you don't
- like that, copy all files to a directory of your choice. In this case you
- must copy all files to the new directory, no file has to be copied to any
- other directory because this could bring you into a lot of trouble. ATC
- may behave not the way it should do, you have been warned!
- @x 6. "THE GUI" Basics, Targets, Hopes
- The userinterface was planed to be simple and efficient in usage but with
- all the options and features of ATC if was difficult to achieve that.
- The design and layout has changed several times during development, the
- result is how ATC looks and feels today. Hope you like it.
- @n 6.1 "The Mainwindow" Server-Manager
- This window, the servermanager, pops up after starting ATC. It contains
- all necessary options to maintain the serverlist.
- @n 6.2 "The Menu" of the Server-Manager
- °Menu: Project
- · ¹iconify all clients¹ - All running clients are iconified
- · ¹deiconify all clients¹ - All iconified clients are deiconified
- · ¹About AmiTradeCenter¹ - No comment
- · ¹About MUI¹ - No comment
- · ¹TETRiS¹ - While downloading you can play tetris to prevent you from falling
- asleep ;)
- · ¹Iconify¹ - Iconifies ATC
- · ¹Quit ATC¹ - Quits ATC and all running clients
- °Menu: Options
- · ¹Close servermanager automatically¹ - This checkmark indicates that
- the servermanager should be iconified if you connect to a server.
- · ¹Open servermanager automatically¹ - This checkmark indicates that
- the servermanager should be deiconified as soon as the last client
- was closed.
- °Menu: serverprofiles
- · ¹Load profiles¹ - Here you can load new profiles
- · ¹Load standard profiles¹ - Load the default profiles ('.profiles')
- · ¹Add profiles¹ - Adds profiles to the end of the server-list
- · ¹Save profiles¹ - Save the current profiles with the last used #?.profiles
- name
- · ¹Save profiles as...¹ - Saves the current profiles with a name of your
- choice. An ASL-requester will help you doing so ;)
- · ¹Save profiles as standard¹ - Saves the current profiles as the new standard
- profiles ('.profiles')
- · ¹Autosave¹ - Here you are able to activate autosave for the profiles.
- You can choose between the following modes:
- · ¹Off¹ - Profiles won't be saved automatically.
- · ¹Everytime¹ - The profiles will be saved everytime after the setable
- timeinterval.
- · ¹Only when entries are added/removed¹ - Saves all profiles if there
- were profiles added or removed after the setable timeinterval.
- · ¹Autosave Time¹ - Here you are able to choose the timeinterval for the
- autosave feature. You can choose between 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 minutes.
- · ¹Save profiles at exit¹ - If you check this item, ATC saves the profiles
- at program termination.
- °Menu: Settings
- · ¹Settings¹ - Opens the settings window
- · ¹Load settings¹ - You can load settings here
- · ¹Load default settings¹ - Load the default settings ('.config')
- · ¹Save settings¹ - Save the settings with the last used #?.config name
- · ¹Save as default¹ - Save the settings as the default settings for ATC
- · ¹Save settings at exit¹ - If you check this item, ATC saves the settings
- at program termination.
- · ¹MUI...¹ - Opens the MUI-Prefs-Editor for ATC
- @n 6.3 "Server Settings"
- This chapter handles all settings that are necessary for a FTP-Site.
- · ¹Comment¹ - You can place a comment for a server here. This could be any
- name that tells you something about the server.
- · ¹Address¹ - The domain or IP where the server lives on.
- Must not start with ftp:// as ATC will connect you to a FTP-server
- anyway.
- · ¹Port¹ - A portnumber on which ATC should connect the remote server
- If you leave this gadget empty, ATC will use port 21 (hopefully).
- · ¹Mode¹ - You can select one of 3 modes here.
- ¹ADT¹ - This is the Aminet-Download-Tool mode. If you connect
- to aminet you want to use this.
- ¹Login/PW¹ - In this mode you give a loginname and a password
- ¹Anonymous¹ - This mode is for anonymous logins like @ftp.vapor.com
- · ¹Remote directory¹ - You can put a directory name here, which will be
- visited immediately after a successful login.
- · ¹Checkmark right to "Remote dir."¹ - If you check this checkmark, ATC
- will save the name of the last visited directory for this site.
- · ¹PopUp right to "Remote dir."¹ - This list contains the last 20 visited
- directories of the remote site. Doubleclicking an entry will set the
- clicked directory as the remote directory.
- · ¹Local directory¹ - Same as remote directory but for local paths.
- · ¹Checkmark right to "local dir."¹ - Same as for remote directory (see above)
- · ¹parse URL¹ - If you define a new server and write an URL like
- ftp://[username:passwort]@servername[:port]/path into the comment-gadget you
- can use this button to automatically set all fields for the server.
- @n 6.4 "Advanced Options"
- Advanced options are not vital for a successful login to a remote server.
- However, you would probably want to set some of these options to your needs.
- · ¹Tries¹ - If a login was not successful (too many users, server not
- reachable or whatever reason) ATC will reconnect as often as you define
- here.
- · ¹Delay¹ - Time to wait between every try.
- · ¹Keep Alive¹ - ATC send a NOOP-command every 30 seconds. This will prevent
- you from being disconnected from a remote server because of inactivity.
- Note that this does not work on all servers, i.e. depends on the remote
- server configuration.
- · ¹Cache¹ - If you check this checkmark, ATC will use a cachesystem for this
- server.
- · ¹PASV¹ - If you check this checkmark, ATC uses the command PASV instead of
- PORT. You should use PASV if you are behind a firewall.
- · ¹Single Lister Mode¹ - Shows the remote directory only
- @n 6.5 "Transfer "
- · ¹CPS-Limit¹ - This slider limits the CPS. You can use it if you connect to
- a friend and don't want to use all his bandwidth. You could also lower the
- CPS to control your own bandwidth.
- · ¹Disconnect if cps drops below¹ - If the CPS drops under this limit, ATC
- reconnects you to this server and resume the download. The aim is to have
- a better CPS after reconnect.
- · ¹for the last (x seconds)¹ - Reconnection takes effect if the CPS is
- below the limit for longer then this value, only.
- · ¹Ignore first seconds¹ - You can set how many seconds should be ignored for
- the reconnect feature after a new download. Especially useful if you start
- a download and the CPS is not immediately up to full CPS. It takes some
- seconds to reach the full CPS with the server.
- · ¹Tries¹ - How many times ATC should try to reconnect to achieve a better
- cps.
- @n 6.6 "ADT"
- Here you are able to change some functions regarding the ADT-Mode. If the
- serverentry is not in ADT-Mode, this page will be ghosted.
- Also see `Server'.
- @n 6.7 "Statistics"
- This register shows some statistics for the server, such as:
- Time and date of your first and last login, the number of connections,
- the number of successful logins, the number of files down/uploaded,
- the number of bytes sent/received, the maximum and average CPS and
- the amount of time you spent on this server.
- There's also a button "Clear Statistic" which, of course, set all
- statistics to 0 (zero). This button is only usable if you are not
- connected to the server in question.
- @n 6.8 "Server List"
- The NList-listview shows all servers that were currently loaded. You can
- read here the comment, the address, the port and the mode of each server.
- With a doubleclick of an entry ATC tries to connect to this server. If you
- are already connected to this server, the window jumps to the front or, if
- it's iconified it's deiconified.
- If you have installed the MUI-Class "NListtree.mcc" you can see the state of
- a server from its color. NListtree.mcc is part of the release-version of
- ATC and can be installed during ATC installation quite easily.
- Note: There is also a "real" NListtree.mcc available since a few month.
- Please do not install this one because there are too many bugs atm.
- Below the server list, there are funny buttons that you can use to
- play funny games with each entry.
- · ¹Add Server¹ - Adds a server to the end of the list, default settings will
- take effect as configured in settings/server.
- · ¹Copy server¹ - ATC adds a copy of the active server to the list. ATC
- detects automatically how many copies already exist. E.g. a server
- called "Aminet USA" would be "C1_Aminet USA" if you hit this button.
- · ¹Remove server¹ - Removes a server from the list.
- · ¹Add goup¹ - Adds a new group to the end of the list.
- · ¹Connect¹ - Tries to connect you to the server (wow).
- · ¹Disconnect¹ - Disconnect from the server.
- · ¹(De)Iconify¹ - (de)Iconifies the clientwindow (depends on the current
- state of the window.
- · ¹Quit¹ - Disconnect the server and shut down the client.
- @x 7. "FTP Window" ATC-Trader
- This window opens if you try to connect to a server.
- The GUI layout depends on your settings.
- At the bottom of the window is another list, this is the loglist, where you
- can see all activities between ATC and the remote server. With the right
- mousebutton you reach the contextmenu of the loglist and you can select
- between "save log as file" or clear loglist.
- @n 7.1 "FTP/ADT-Mode Menu"
- °Menu: Project
- · ¹Server Manager¹ - This menu gets the server manager to front.
- · ¹About ATC¹ - Dunno
- · ¹About MUI¹ - Dito
- · ¹Disconnect¹ - Guess!
- · ¹Quit¹ - Guess again ;)
- °Menu: Options
- · ¹Use cache¹ - Please see `advanced options'
- · ¹Keep Alive¹ - Please see `advanced options'
- · ¹PASV¹ - Please see `advanced options'
- · ¹keep local directory¹ - Saves the last used local directory name for the
- next login
- · ¹keep remote directory¹ - Dito but for the remote directory
- · ¹show log¹ - The loglist at the bottom of the window can be activated here.
- You can either set it to ¹never¹, ¹not while downloading¹ or simply
- ¹always¹. Choose well Luke.
- °Menu: Action
- · ¹Send raw command¹ - You can send any command you want with this menu item.
- If you don't know what to do with this function, better keep your hands
- off!
- · ¹Download by name¹ - Here you can download a file by name e.g.
- on aminet in directory /priv/
- · ¹Show Aminet Message Of The Day¹ - This is only possible in ADT-Mode. It
- shows (you wouldn't know if you don't read here) the MOTD in a new window.
- °Menu: Settings
- · ¹Displaymode Transfer¹ - You can select between ¹simple¹ and ¹detailed¹
- displaymode for downloading. If you select ¹simple¹, there will be only a
- few information shown while downloading, whereas ¹detailed¹ shows more
- information. Just try both modes and decide then ;M)
- · ¹Show remote directory only¹ - Change the gui layout to only show the
- remote directory.
- @n 7.2 "FTP-Mode"
- The FTP-Mode allows to handle files the way (famous) filemanager does.
- You can copy, delete, rename or view a file, you can also create new
- directories.
- There are 2 listview available for this matter which show your local
- directory (left) and the remote directory (right).
- Doubleclick an entry either shows the file with the viewer you choose
- in ATC-settings or, if the entry is a diretory, change the directory.
- On top of every listview you'll find the title of the listview (local or
- remote).
- · ¹Strindgadget Path¹ - Shows the path that is currently shown in the
- listview. It is possible to write down a new path here and if it's
- available, ATC changes the directory immediately.
- · ¹PopUp (local)¹ - Shows a list with all drives and assigns in your system.
- With a doubleclick you select the drive/assign.
- · ¹PopUp (remote)¹ - Shows the last 20 entries of the history from the server.
- With a doubleclick on an entry ATC changes to this old directory.
- · ¹Parent¹ - With this button you climb up the tree to the parent directory.
- · ¹Reload¹ - If you find out, let me know :-)
- °The Buttons
- · ¹Send¹ (on the left side only) - Uploads all selected entries to the
- selected remote directory. It is possible to upload a whole directory,
- with its subdirectories as well, to the remote server. If you indeed have
- selected a directory a requester pops up to ask what you want to do
- exactly.
- ¹Upload¹ - Creates the directory and uploads all files into this new
- (remote) directory.
- ¹recursive¹ - create directory with all its subdirectories on the remote
- server and upload all files.
- ¹skip¹ - Skip this diretory and go to the next entry.
- · ¹Receive¹ (remote only) - All seleced files are transferred to the local
- directory.
- · ¹Select¹ - With this function you can select files/directories via
- a DOS-pattern (like #?, [1-9] and so on). The window which opens up
- should be pretty self-describing.
- · ¹Makedir¹ - Of course, you can create a new directory with this button
- (hey, what did you expect?)
- · ¹Show¹ - This starts the viewer you have choosen in ATC-settings for all
- selected entries.
- · ¹Rename¹ - If clicked, a requester pops up, where you can enter a new
- name for the active file/directory.
- · ¹Delete¹ - Deletes all selected entries.
- · ¹CHMOD¹ - CHMOD a remote file. If you don't know what it's good for, just
- don't use it!
- °Statusdisplay
- Below each listview is a textfield where you can see some informations for
- the current directory.
- This line may look like this:
- - ¹59 Files [2], 16 Dirs [3], 14.505K [4.882K]¹ -
- That means, there are 59 files with 14.505 kB and 16 directories within the
- current directory. From these entries, 2 files and 3 directories are
- selected. The two files are together 4.882 kB in size.
- For the remote listview the statusdisplay also shows CPS and bytes while
- reading a remote directory. You can stop reading directories with the
- (wohooo) stopbutton on the right, you will know it's the stopbutton once
- you see it.
- @n 7.3 "ADT-Mode"
- ADT is a shortcut for Aminet-Download-Tool and is a special mode which
- allows to browse a list of recently uploaded files. Normally this would be
- an Aminet-Server. ATC offers different options in ADT-Mode.
- · ¹Rate Files¹ - With this function you can rate a file on Aminet. The
- charts are maintained on a weekly basis, so don't expect your rating takes
- immediate effect on the charts. As an Amiga user you should have learned to
- wait, though ;)
- · ¹Show readme¹ - If you select a file and hit this button ATC downloads
- and shows the .readme file of the entry. A doubleclick on an entry has the
- same effect.
- · ¹Select¹ - with this function you can select files via a DOS-pattern (like
- #?, [1-9] and so on). The window which opens should be pretty
- self-describing.
- · ¹Mode¹ - There are 6 different modes available.
- · ¹New¹ - This is what you normally want. It shows all new entries since
- your last login.
- · ¹Recent 7¹ - Shows all uploads within the last week.
- · ¹Recent 14¹ - Shows all uploads within the last forthnight (2 weeks)
- · ¹Local¹ - Shows all files that are stored on the ADT-Server. Download
- this list can take some time, be prepared to play tetris or something...
- :)
- ¹Search¹ - You can search through aminet with this function. Just type
- one or more words into the stringgadget.
- ¹Charts¹ - This mode is not really a standard on ADT-Servers. There is
- no guarantee that it works on every ADT-Server, at least Wuarchive and
- Paderborn are proofed to work properly. If you find an ADT-server which
- doesn't work in chart-mode, please report to the ATC-Development-Council(tm).
- However, the charts show 2 lists, one with the most downloaded files and
- one with the highest rated files (ATC tops this list ATM (25.04.2000).
- · ¹Receive¹ - Transfer all selected files to your local harddisk.
- °The List
- · ¹sort¹ - To sort the list, just click on one of the titlebars on top
- of the list.
- Of course, in mode "charts" you can't sort the list in any way.
- @n 7.4 "The Batchlist"
- There are two buttons right under the remote listview. These two buttons
- together builds a powerful feature. Remembering of files.
- · ¹Add¹ - All selected files are gathered in a list if you press this
- button. There is a mechanism to avoid dupes in the list. Another
- possibility is to drag&drop the entries over the button or you can
- drag&drop directly into the list if the window is open.
- · ¹PopUp (usually a magnifying glass)¹ - With this button you open the
- batchlist which holds the files you have added to the list.
- If the list is not empty when you disconnect from a server, ATC can do
- different things depending on your settings (see `Settings').
- @n 7.5 "Recursive Download"
- A very nice feature of ATC is recursive download. You can choose if you
- want to overtake the directory structure from the remote server (you can
- easily mirror a server this way).
- If you have indeed selected a directory a new window pops up to ask what
- to do.
- You have the following choices:
- · ¹Download (flat)¹ - Just download all files within the remote directory
- to your download directory.
- · ¹Download (create dir)¹ - This method is like download with the difference
- that a new directory is created within your download path.
- All remote files are stored there.
- · ¹Recursive (flat)¹ - This method downloads all files, include files that are
- in subdiretories, to your download path.
- · ¹Recursive (keep dirtree)¹ - Here it is, the exact mirror function :-)
- The directory structure from the remote server is mirrored on your
- harddisk.
- @n 7.6 "Transfer Window"
- The transfer window is used for up and download.
- You can see all necessary data for the up/download here.
- The window is somewhat divided in two groups. The first one shows all data
- for the transfer. The second one show the list of files queued for
- transfer and some buttons (while downloading only) as well.
- If you start a download ATC will first check if you have enough bytes left
- on your harddisk for this particular download. If this is not the case,
- ATC bothers you with a requester to ask what to do.
- °Transfer Group
- You can see vital data here, e.g. local and remote filename, expected time
- for the transfer, expected end of the transfer, elapsed time, cps,
- sent/received bytes and some things more (have a look).
- · ¹CPS-Limit¹ - During transfer you can control the transfer speed with this
- slider if you e.g. don't want to use too much bandwidth from a friend
- or share your bandwidth with other tasks (like webbrowsers and such).
- · ¹CPS-History¹ - You can watch the cps of the last few seconds here. With
- a doubleclick on the CPS-History you can reset the meter.
- · ¹Abort Transfer¹ - Abort the transfer of a file.
- If you have set ATC to ask before aborting a download, a requester pops
- up in the first place. You are asked if you want to go on with downloading,
- abort the download and delete the incomplete file (while downloading only)
- or want to add the file to the batchlist.
- °Batch Group
- This group shows a list with all queued files (waiting for transfer). On
- the right of the list you can see some data about the transfer.
- · ¹Abort Queue¹ - Abort the transfer of the queue including the file which
- is in progress at the moment. Again a requester pops up, if your settings
- indicate to do so, asking you what to do.
- This would be one of this:
- · ¹Remove Entries¹ - Kick selected entries out of the list (big fun indeed ;))
- · ¹Clear List¹ - Kick all entries out of the list (even more fun).
- · ¹Add To Batch¹ - All entries are added to the batch.
- · ¹Arrow up/down¹ - With this buttons you can shuffle the active entry
- up and down within the list.
- @x 8. "Settings" Settings for ATC
- This window holds all possible settings for ATC, you find it in the menu
- under Settings/Settings (huh).
- The setting window is a nice register group to avoid layout mayhem ;)
- At the bottom of the window you'll find three buttons which, I think, do
- not need to be explained further.
- @n 8.1 "General" General Settings
- · ¹Closegadget¹ - You can set the closegadget of ATC to do different things.
- · ¹Quit ATC and all connections¹ - Does exactly this
- · ¹Iconify servermanager¹ - The servermanager is iconified if you click the
- closegadget
- · ¹Iconify ATC and Traders¹ - The servermanager and all traders are iconified
- if you click the closegadget
- · ¹Password for anonymous logins¹ - You can define a password for anonymous
- login here. Usually this is the email address of the user (in this case yours).
- · ¹Viewer¹ - You can select your favorite viewer here. This viewer is used
- in FTP and ADT mode to view files (wohooo). You should add %f which will
- be replaced with the filename.
- · ¹Confirm "Remove Server"¹ - If you want to remove a server and this
- checkmark is checked, a requester pops up to ask if you really want to do
- this.
- · ¹Backup Profiles¹ - ATC backups you profiles at exit if you check this
- checkmark
- @n 8.2 "Transfer" Settings for the transfer
- °General
- · ¹Displaymode¹ - You can select between simple or detailed layout of the
- transfer window here. (see also `FTP/ADT-Mode Menu')
- °Download and Download-Queue
- · ¹Add filenote after download¹ - If you check this checkmark, each file
- gets a filenote in form of the URL where it comes from.
- · ¹Confirm "Abort Transfer"¹ - You can choose what happens if you abort a
- transfer
- · ¹Abort Transfer¹ - Abort transfer, incomplete files remain on your disk.
- · ¹Abort And Remove¹ - Abort transfer and delete incomplete files from your
- disk.
- · ¹Add To Batch¹ - Abort transfer and add the file to the queue for later
- download. The incomplete file remains on your disk.
- · ¹Confirm Abort Batch¹ - You can choose what happens if you
- abort a batch
- · ¹Abort Queue¹ - Abort and delete the current queue.
- · ¹Add queue and the current download to batch¹ - Abort the transfer
- and add all entries from the download queue to the batchlist.
- · ¹Add queue to batch¹ - Abort the transfer and add queue to batchlist
- · ¹Do Not Abort¹ - Guess ;)
- · Confirm delete batch - You can choose what happens if you
- delete a batch
- · ¹Clear Batch¹ - Does exactly this ;M)
- · ¹Move to queue¹ - Move all entires to the queue
- · ¹Do not delete¹ - You may figure it out on your own
- · ¹Edit batch before download¹ - Before a download is actually started you
- can edit the batch e.g. to receive your most wanted file within the
- batch first or remove one or more files from the queue.
- · ¹Warn if download doesn't fit¹ - If you have not enough bytes left on your
- harddisk (where the download should be stored) a requester pops up to
- warn you about that fact.
- · ¹If queue is not empty¹ - If the queue is not empty and you try to quit
- the ATC-Trader, you can choose here what to do in this case.
- · ¹Save Batch¹ - Save the queue for the next login and quit ATC-Trader
- · ¹Download Batch¹ - Download the batch right now.
- · ¹Ignore¹ - Ignore the batchlist and quit ATC-Trader.
- · ¹Ask¹ - Ask what to do with the queue
- · ¹Buffersize for download¹ - You can set a buffersize for downloading here.
- ATC doesn't write to disk immediately, instead a buffer is filled and if
- the buffer is full ATC writes it to your disk. The buffersize has impact
- on your average CPS, usually bigger buffer means higher CPS.
- @n 8.3 "Switches" Security
- · ¹Confirm Disconnection¹ - If this checkmark is checked a requester pops up
- every time you disconnect from a server to ask if you really want to
- disconnect.
- · ¹Confirm local delete¹ - If this checkmark is checked a requester pops
- up if you try to delete a local file, i.e. in FTP doublelistmode in
- the left listview that is.
- · ¹Confirm remote delete¹ - Same as local but for remote files (of course)
- · ¹Don't activate client window¹ - If this checkmark is checked no client
- window will be activated instead, the servermanager remains the active
- window.
- · ¹Open batch if not empty (after login)¹ - If the queue isn't empty after
- a successful login, ATC opens the window with the queue.
- · ¹Show FTP-log¹ - You can choose if the loglist is shown ¹never¹,
- ¹not while transferring¹ files or ¹always¹.
- · ¹Show passwords¹ - If this checkmark is checked passwords are shown in
- plain text, otherwise passwords are replaced with three questionmarks (???).
- · ¹Retry to connect also if the server was not reachable¹ - This option
- indicates that ATC should retry to connect the server even if it was not
- possible to reach the server (e.g. (61) connection refused).
- Of course ATC tries the connection as often as you defined in
- the settings.
- @n 8.4 "ADT-Settings" ADT-Settings
- There are three groups for ADT-Mode.
- °Misc
- · ¹ADT-Findserver¹ - You should define your favorite ADT-Findserver here if
- you want to search through Aminet. Nowadays ftp.wustl.edu would be a
- good thing (tm).
- · ¹max results¹ - This slider indicates the maximum entries for searching files
- · ¹ADT-Rate Emailaddress¹ - You should write down your (real!) emailaddress here
- if you want to rate files from aminet. The aminetserver will sent you a reply
- to confirm your vote, if your email is invalid, your vote probably would
- not count, you know. Urban is not in charge to sell your emailaddress
- to anyone else nor is he doing strange things or the likes, though.
- Therefore it should be safe to use your real emailaddress here.
- °Highlight Pattern
- If you are looking for some specific files in the first place you can set a
- color for these files here. They will then be displayed in the color you
- defined.
- · ¹List¹ - You can see all defined patterns here.
- · ¹Add¹ - Add a new pattern to the list
- · ¹Remove¹ - Remove the active pattern from the list
- · ¹Stringgadget¹ - You can edit the pattern here
- · ¹Highlight Color¹ - Select a color which should be used for entries that
- match the pattern
- °ADT-Filter
- With aid of ADT-Filter it is possible to skip one or more aminetgroups from
- beeing displayed. E.g. you never, really never want to see new
- WB-Screenshots, just mark /pix/wb to be disabled et viola. This
- can be done with a doubleclick on that group or you use the buttons under
- the list.
- · ¹Enable¹ - All selected groups will be activated to display new uploads.
- · ¹Disable¹ - Now guess ;)
- @n 8.5 "Server" Predefinitions for new servers
- You can predefine new serverentries here, every time you add a new server
- this setting will be used by default.
- °Misc
- For more information on this setting see also `Server Settings' and
- `Advanced Options'.
- °ADT
- · ¹Keep Aminet dirtree on local drive¹ - If you check this checkmark
- ATC will create exactly the same directories that aminet used to use.
- You can see this as kinda aminetmirrorfunction, useful for e.g. a BBS.
- · ¹Download .readme automatically¹ - If this checkmark is checked ATC downloads
- the .readme automatically.
- · ¹Surpress ADT-Logintext¹ - If this checkmark is checked ATC does not show the
- Logintext (which could be pretty long on some servers) in the loglist.
- · ¹Show Message Of The Day (MOTD)¹ - If this checkmark is checked ATC
- download the MOTD and display it in a seperate window. Note that the
- MOTD is downloaded if it's newer than the last downloaded MOTD only,
- thus you won't see the MOTD all the time.
- @n 8.6 "Events" Settings for special events
- In this register you can set lotza events for certain conditions.
- The conditions are not worth to be explained further, though. However,
- here's what you can configure for every event.
- °List
- This list show all events that can be combined with a sound.
- · ¹Event¹ - This column shows the event for which you can add a sound.
- · ¹Deiconify¹ - This checkmark indicates that the client should be
- deiconified if the event occours. Of course a client can be deiconified if
- it's iconified, only.
- · ¹Signal¹ - If you want ATC to play a sound for an event you should check
- this checkmark.
- · ¹Sound¹ - If signal is checked to be active, you can select a soundfile
- here. If no file is selected ATC executes a displaybeep and your amiga
- will do whatever you have told her to do in the Workbench preferences.
- · ¹Volume¹ - Set the volume for a sound here.
- · ¹The ">" (Jenson) Button ;)¹ - This is the testbutton for the event.
- °External player
- · ¹Use external player¹ - ATC plays the sound via datatypes, if you want to
- use another player then check it here.
- · ¹Options for external player¹ - You should select your external player
- here. %n is placeholder for the filename and %v for the volume.
- An example is "play16 %n %v".
- @n 8.7 "Colors" Color of the directory list on the remote server.
- There are three groups where you can select different colors for the
- serverlist, the listviews in FTP-Mode and for the CPS-History.
- · ¹Inactive¹ - All servers that are not connected will be displayed in this
- color in the Servermanager
- · ¹Disrupted¹ - The server will have this color if a connection was
- disrupted for whatever reason.
- · ¹Connect¹ - If you start to connect the server, it will get this color.
- · ¹Connected¹ - If you are connected to the server it will get this color.
- · ¹Logged in¹ - The server gets this color if the login was successful.
- · ¹Download¹ - While downloading the server gets this color.
- · ¹Upload¹ - While uploading the server gets this color.
- · ¹List¹ - If ATC is listing a remote directory the server gets this color.
- °Dirlist colors
- · ¹Directories¹ - Directories are displayed in this color.
- · ¹Files¹ - Files are displayed in this color.
- · ¹Links¹ - Links are displayed in this color.
- °CPS-History
- The CPS-History is shown in the transfer window and can have the following
- colors.
- · ¹Graph¹ - The color for the graph of the CPS-History.
- · ¹Background¹ - The background of the CPS-History will be in this color.
- · ¹New transfer breakline¹ - This color will be used for a breakline if a
- new transfer is started.
- · ¹Show new transfer breakline¹ - whether or not you want the new transfer
- breakline to be active or not, set it here.
- @x 9. "TETRiS"
- Select TETRiS in the server manager to play some tetris while downloading.
- With the "N" key you start a new game, with the "P" key you pause the game.
- With cursor up you flip a tetris-stone about 90 degree to the right, cursor
- down moves a stone somewhat faster to the bottomline. The spacebar drops a
- stone completely to the bottomline.
- If you click outside the tetris window and thus it is no more the active
- window, tetris automatically goes into pause-state.
- @x A. "Support"
- °E-Mail
- You can contact the author via email at the following address:
- atc@amisource.de, ultragelb@amisource.de or gelb@gmx.net.
- °World Wide Web
- ATC support over WWW can be found at http://amisource.de/ATC/.
- You'll also find the latest release as well as betaversions of ATC there.
- If you don't, don't hesitate to blame Todi for the lameness :-)
- °Mailinglist
- If you should encounter numerous problems, bugs, nasty behaviour or even
- crashs, you can report them to the mailinglist. To subscribe to the
- mailinglist just send a mail to amitradecenter-subscribe@onelist.com or visit
- http://www.onelist.com/community/amitradecenter
- @n B. "Known Bugs" Bugs, Bugs, Bugs
- There are no known bugs atm. At least no bugs that, from my point of view,
- can be called bugs or they have such nice effects that removing them would
- spoil ATC in some way ;)
- @n C. "Troubleshooting and FAQ"
- Okay, you got me. There is one problem I'm not very fond of. If you are
- using the patched Listtree.mcc (patched to use NList) on small screens
- (640*480 and smaller) you can be assured that ATC will crash. The solution
- to this problem is, to somehow make the class (resides in mui:libs/mui)
- undiscoverable for ATC. You can do this by either rename it, delete it or
- move it to another directory. The name of the class is NListtree.mcc.
- ATC doesn't like the OS-patch NitrOS (or maybe NitrOS doesn't like ATC).
- If you want to use NitrOS in conjunction with ATC, be assured that this
- won't be an easy task and will cause problems. [Thanks to BKJ]
- °Frequently Asked Questions
- Q: The log is too big. Could you please reduce the size to 60% of
- actually height. (or something like this)
- A: There is a balance-object between the log and the upper GUI, so
- you can set the size of the log by yourself. I suggest you to download
- betterbalance.mcc from Aminet, which, in contrary to the original
- balance class remembers the balance settings of the GUI.
- -------
- Q: If I change the colors of the busy-bar, why won't they be taken over?
- A: I assume you changed the colors from the ServerManager.
- If yes, you have to change the colors from the MUI-prefs of every trader.
- That's because ATC (ServerManager) and the Trader are two separate
- applications in terms of MUI and save their prefs to different files.
- -------
- Q: Everytime I change the font in the MUI-Prefs, ATC uses a different
- font. Why doesn't ATC use the font I selected?
- A: ATC has a BIG GUI so MUI cannot layout it with your selected font.
- Simply change the screen resolution to a bigger size and all should work
- okay.
- @n D. "Hints" Useful notes
- · Patch Listtree.mcc to NListtree.mcc
- You must not really do this on your own because the installer should have
- copied the NListtree.mcc already, except you deny the question during
- installation (there's no good reason to do that).
- ¹Background¹: ATC actually makes use of listtree.mcc in the
- servermanager. This MUI-Class is unable to display single entries in free
- configurable colors. At the beginning of development, as ATC managed the
- list via NList.mcc, the colorstuff was already implemented into the
- servermanager to show the state for every server, that was no problem with
- NList.mcc.
- Solution: To get back the nice colorstuff into the serverlist, you load
- the file Listtree.mcc into a texteditor. You then look for 'list.mui',
- remove the 0-byte after 'list.mui' and replace 'list.mui' with 'NList.mui'.
- Save the file as 'mui:libs/mui/NListtree.mcc and you're done.
- · Convert AmFTP serverlist: To use the serverlist you have used in AmFTP
- there is a short Arexx-script to do the job.
- ¹Instructions¹: You start AmFTP (for the last time in the next couple of decades)
- open a Shell and change the directory to the path where the script is
- stored, by default this is <your path:>AmiTradeCenter/Utilities. How to
- change the current directory can not be explained any further because this
- a long planned skill-test for everyone ;) If you indeed managed to change
- the current directory (wooohooo, cool), write down in the shell 'rx
- AmFTP2ATC.rexx' and press return very heavy (in case it works a little bad
- these days).
- The script then gets all entries out of the AmFTP serverlist and saves them
- in a format that is acceptable for ATC as 'ram:ATC.Profiles'. If you
- managed all these magic steps, you can close AmFTP and start ATC.
- You then select the menu 'server/profiles/Add Profiles. A requester pops
- up where you can, with an amazing ease, select the profiles file which is
- still stored in ram:ATC.profiles.
- · ¹ADT-Find¹: If you're in charge for a special archive it is recommended
- to use more than one word to look for. E.g. you are looking for the MUI-Class
- Busy.mcc. You should use 'busy mui' as keywords for the search process.
- You'll see that very little archives will be found that way
- (that's what you want if you are looking for a special archive, isn't it ;)).
- @n E. "History"
- v1.0 (04.02.2000) - First Aminet Release.
- v1.1 (07.05.2000) - Second Aminet Release.
- v1.2 (27.05.2000) - Third Aminet Release.
- Please take a look at changes.txt for a detailed list of recent changes.
- @n F. "Future"
- · Arexx-Port
- · Offline browsing of ADT recent files (maybe)
- · Recent function for normal FTP servers using some kind of dircache (maybe)
- · Downloadmanager
- · Quick downloads
- · Archie Server support (maybe)
- · and numerous other things
- @n G. "Thank You"
- There are some people out there to which I want to say thank you because
- without them ATC wouldn't exists. Or at least it wouldn't exists in the
- form it actually exists now and makes it cute and likeable.
- Furthermore, I have made sorta inexact psychoanalysis for everyone who
- deserves thanks.
- °Ingo "Nightrider" Musquinier
- Here we have a guy who, as soon as he starts a program, is just blown by
- bugs which no normal user would ever find or even notice. Furthermore he
- has the strange talent to stress me with strange featurerequests which no
- one would usually really need but which would be missed in ATC (if you
- knew of the feature, because otherwise you'd never could think of such a
- feature).
- He is responsible for things like edit downloadbatch before download,
- surpress ADT-Loginmessage, the batchlist for remembering files, the new
- transfer breakline switch in CPS-History, the Aminet-Charts support and
- some other useless and at least some useful things, too.
- For the icons, which were made from Todis wonderful logo, I put in even
- more thanks. He also made most of the Help-bubbles and the AmFTP2ATC.rexx
- convert-script. He also wrote the installscript from scratch, it was his
- first ever installscript (he starts learning the whole stuff especially for
- ATC) which was a pretty nice move. Last but not least he is also
- responsible for the demo-profiles and demo-settings and some tips in this
- guide.
- He also translated the german guide to english and contributed code for the
- ADT-Rate-Mode so that ATC can handle SMTP on its own.
- °Roland "Ronni" Hopfer
- Ronni is a pragmatist as written in books or at least how it should be
- written in books. What makes Ronni special and turns out to be no fun for
- the developer (me) is his ability to find difficult to implement (but
- useful) features as well as really nasty bugs.
- Furthermore he can keep you close to a nervous breakdown but is kind enough
- to let you not die immediately. He is responsible for things like sort by
- date with the second sort criteria path in ADT-Mode, saving the last active
- entry in the servermanager so it is active at the next start of ATC and
- also for the active entries in directories when you reenter them.
- Furthermore he is responsible for recursive download, keep dirtree in
- ADT-Mode and a minor set of suggestions.
- °Torsten "ToDi" Ketelsen
- This outstanding great boy (in any case) deserves most likely the most
- thanks because he made this wonderful ATC-Logo (while he was watched,
- controlled, instructed, blamed and finally calmed down with nice comments
- again, via Webcam). He is the one who has created and maintains
- http://amisource.de/ATC/.
- Find out bugs and thinking of new features, I would give him a 2 this time,
- but that wasn't a problem as there were two other guys who did that good
- enough.
- What was really nice, was his praise (without them I would have done it
- anyway) in some situations.
- °Others
- Furthermore I would like to thank the following people (without them ATC
- would still exists but would have more bugs and less features).
- - ¹Detlef Wojtaszkiewicz¹
- - ¹Luca "Hexaae" Longone¹
- - ¹David Erman¹ - For the swedish catalogs!
- - ¹Pascal Chiozzi¹ - For the french catalogs!
- - ¹Marcin Juszkiewicz¹ - For converting the original OS3.5 icons to NewIcons!
- - ¹Aldo Bianchi¹ - For converting the original icons to half-size!
- - ¹Jeff German¹
- - ¹David Scheibler¹
- - ¹Michaela Prüß¹
- - ¹Jeff Klein¹
- - ¹Thomas Heinrich¹
- - ¹Sascha Glade¹
- - ¹Erdey <Erdey@gmx.net>¹
- - ¹RUiNa <ruin@frontiernet.net>¹
- - ¹BKJ <Vulture@freemail.gr>¹
- - ¹Armin Hübner¹
- - ¹Erik Inge Bolsø¹
- - ¹No Frills <no_frills@x-stream.co.uk>¹
- - ¹Oliver Förster¹